Friday, November 19, 2010

Children of God (India Mission Fall 2010)

           First it is an honor to be part of this mission team. God has assembled a loving, prayerful and united team. Thank you all for praying for us.

This is my third India mission trip, yet each mission trip is always different. This year, I faced a personal health challenge because I had surgery about 6 months ago and I reflected whether I should undertake such trip. I prayed and as I flipped through the pictures of previous mission trips. I saw the smiles of people of India, young and old. The scene from Luke 18:16 - 17 came "But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth; anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

And the Lord reminded me that I would be going with a medical doctor, 3 dentists, 2 registered nurses and many prayer warriors. “So do not fear my child!” and He walked with me on this trip. Just focus on the tasks ahead to serve the Lord where His glory is unknown. Go share the gospel to the children of God in India!

On this mission trip, I served in the children outreach ministry. Part of this ministry is to support the medical & dental team, as the team setup a medical clinic in Mal Bazaar North West Bengal. Sister Priscilla was children outreach team lead, sister Sherry would teach crafts making using prayer beads, sister Alice would teach bible stories and I would help with games. The local youth pastor, Dave helped with the translation. We also had health sessions such as teaching children how to brush their teeth and also de-worming the children. We would give them a gummy bear, de-worming medicines, water and a few hours later out the running gummy bear.

We run mini VBS camp in 3 different villages. We expected about 50-60 kids but God has doubled, triple blessed the camp size. At the first village we had 137 kids, at the second village 131 kids and the third village 170 children. Many children come from Christian families in those villages yet many are Hindu. We were holding open air VBS camp and every time I saw children walking by, or a child taking a cow to the pasture while another bicycling past the camp, I would wave and greet them and invite them to attend the camp.

As for the game site – we would play games such as <Jesus says>, <Passing back balloons>, <Black magic>. We also did <Duck, duck, goose> which we localized to <Gele, gele, murgi>, <Gele> means duck, <Murgi> means chicken. When the children said <Murgi – “gi” pronounce it as in “giggle”> it would just bring big smiles and I would take pictures! They were so joyful and happy. It was like a revival, encouraging the local pastors and co-workers in these churches. Jesus so loves the children!

What I saw was the great need of these children. While they may be lacking in material things, they are so rich in spirit, their smiles so beautiful. I wasn’t in India to just pass out slippers, giving out toothpaste and toothbrushes. Slippers and toothbrushes will wear out in a matter of time, toothpaste will run out. For those tea pickers who earn an average of $60NT/day – it is a luxury to buy slippers, toothpaste and toothbrushes. The team’s primary call is to share the gospel. In John 8:12 – Jesus said “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Indeed to know Jesus at such a young age is far richer and valuable in life. God’s precious Words will live in their heart for the rest of their life, sustaining them in the best and worst of times. And during the invitation at the first village, more than 60 out of 137 kids wanted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior! God is good!

On the last day as we were turning off the lights at the medical clinic, the children came to us, shaking our hands, 

hugging us. They told us <Jai Mashi – Victory in Christ>. And my hope and dream is to see them again in Heaven singing <Jai Mashi> and<God is so good> all for God’s glory! We felt relieved; we were ready to go back to Taiwan.

However the Lord had another plan, tasks for everyone on the last few hours before we were boarding our flight in Kolkata, India. Indeed, for me to be a patient at the Missionaries of Charity – Mother Teresa’s house and all the others their call of duty as doctors, nurses and prayer warriors. While paying homage to Mother Teresa, I felt sick – part dehydration, part traveler’s diarrhea. All I remembered was that I was lying on a bench and the doctors and nurses were taking my pulses. I could feel the prayers of everyone, even the nuns at Mother’s House. “Be still, and know that I am GodPsalm 46:10 says ~ God loves His children young and old.  There is nothing to fear for God is in control of everything. He loves us so much to harm us. I was administered oral rehydration and it was my turn to get “de-wormed”!

Moreover, mission team members were so caring and thanks to their prayers and those of GBC’s brothers and sisters I am well. This is love in action. In the words of Mother Teresa “I see God in every human being. When I wash the leper's wounds, I feel I am nursing the Lord Himself. Is it not a beautiful experience?" God is certainly present in the Missionaries of Charity! God cares and He listens and I’m proof of that small miracle here sharing this message. “In Him we were also chosen having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will. In order that we who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory.” Ephesians 1:11-12

Jesus loves children, all the children of the world and what a blessing to be children of God! God has placed the burden of serving in missions in my heart. To have Jesus in our heart is such a wonderful thing. Lord, whenever and wherever You call me to serve in Your missions, I shall go and serve You where Your Son Jesus Christ and Your glory are unknown.

Friday, March 26, 2010

為自己拚一場下 - THINK BIG!

Reading a few good books lately by Dr. Ben Carson, notably "Gifted Hands" and "Think Big". Taking the time to read Dr. Carson's books allowed me to understand an ordinary man (from a single parent family) like you and I, yet he has been doing extraordinary things as a world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland - USA. It was a revelation that as a young kid from inner city Detroit, he had bad temper and was a "dummy" in class. Yet God transformed his life to become a doctor. He has since received the USA Presidential medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the USA. He used lessons learned in his upbringing especially his mother's encouragement to read lots of books and write reports to be a key part of his knowledge building and success in life! He knows about real hardship. He also happens to like classical music and he married a violinist.

He discovered his God given talents such as eyes and hands coordination - and ability to view 3D perspectives. And he used this God given gifts in his medical profession and allowed God to transform him into full potential to become a pediatric doctor. Things don't change overnight, however they will change, have faith in Him and God changes lives!

This is a good book to introduce to youth fellowship and those starting university. Parents should read them as well. And those considering a medical profession a must read!

T.H.I.N.K - B.I.G!
T = TALENT 天賦學習接受你的天賦,好好發展並善用天賦,未來的成就會遠超乎你的想像。
T=Talent. Learn to recognize and accept your God-given talents
(and we all have them). Develop those talents and use them in the
career you choose. Remembering T for talent puts you far ahead of the
game if you have advantage of what God gives you.

T=TIME Learn the importance of time. When you are always on time,
people can depend on you. You prove your trustworthiness.
Learn not to waste time, because time is money and time is effort.
Time usage is also a talent.
God gives some people the ability to manage time. The rest of us have to
learn how. And we can! Just be patient with me!

H = HONESTY 誠實當你說謊,就要再用別的謊言來遮掩人生就會變得複雜;每次都講實話,人生就會變得出奇地簡單。
H=Honesty. When you do anything dishonest, you must do something else
dishonest to cover up, and your life becomes hopelessly complex. The same
with telling lies. If you are honest, you don't have to remember what
you said the last time. Speaking the truth each time makes life
amazingly simple.

H=Hope - Don't go around with a long face, expecting something bad
to happen. Anticipate good things; watch for them.

I = INSIGHT 洞察力注意且學習那些已擁有你想要的成就的人,要從他們所犯的過錯中汲取經驗。
I. Listen and learn from people who have already been where you want to
go. Benefit from their mistakes instead of repeating them.
Read good books like the Bible
because they open up new worlds of understanding.

N = NICE 和善 要對人好,不管他是什麼人;要和氣、友善、樂於助人,這樣不僅不耗神,且能減輕壓力。
N. Be nice to people - all people - love ones - young, old and small,
family, friends, colleagues, strangers. If you are nice to people
they'll be nice to you. It takes much less energy to be nice than it
does to be mean. Being kind, friendly, helpful takes less energy
and relieves much of the pressure. Know to control bad temper!

K. Knowledge is the key to independent living, the key to all your
dreams, hopes, and aspirations. If you are knowledgeable, particularly
more knowledgeable than anybody else in a field, you become invaluable
and write your own ticket.

B = BOOKS 多看書要養成良好的閱讀習慣,藉由閱讀、思考來訓練自己的心智。
B. I emphasize that active learning from reading is better than passive
learning such as listening to lectures or watching TV. When you read,
your mind must work by taking in letters and connecting them to form
words. Words make themselves into thoughts and concepts. Developing
good reading habits is something like being a champion weightlifter.
The champion didn't go into the gym one day and start lifting 500
pounds. He toned his muscles, beginning with lighter weights,
always building up, preparing for more. It's the same thing with
intellectual feats. We develop our minds by reading, by thinking
by figuring out things for ourselves.

I = IN-DEPTH LEARNING 深度學習深度的學習者會把既有的知識變成自己的,從而更瞭解自己和這個世界。
I. Superficial learners cram for exams but know nothing two weeks later.
In-depth learners find that the acquired knowledge becomes a part
of them. They understand more about themselves and their world. They
keep building on prior understanding by piling on new information.

G = GOD 上帝絕不可侮慢上帝,也絕不可把上帝推出生命之外
Never get too big for God. Never drop God out of your life!

為自己拚一場 下 (中英雙書)
Think Big

Monday, March 08, 2010

Front of the Class 妥瑞症的新老師

This is a very good movie. Based on a real life story of Brad Cohen who has Tourette Syndrome. Yet, he was able to obtain a teaching degree and became a teacher in Atlanta and he was awarded the Sallie Mae First Class Teacher of the Year in 1997. 好好看!


Principal Meyer: What do you think, school is for Brad?
Brad Cohen:Sorry I'm interrupting the class.
Principal: You are not answering my question. What's the school for?
to educate, isn't it? To use KNOWLEDGE to WIPE OUT ignorance.
The school is planning to have a concert this afternoon. Do you plan on going?
Brad: No, Sir! My tics will ruin the music.
Principal: I want you to be there.

@ Concert:
Brad Cohen:
Principal: Everybody just keep your seat for a minute please? Thank you! Enjoying the concert? Nice job! Did you hear any noises during the quiet parts?
Classmates: YESSS!
Principal: Yeah, so did I. They are pretty annoying, aren't they? The person making those noises is Brad Cohen.
Brad - looking sheepish
Principal: Come on up here Brad!

Brad courageously walks up onto stage.
Principal: Do you like making noise and upsetting people, Brad?
Brad: No Sir!
Principal: Then why do you do it?
Brad: Because I have Tourette Syndrome.
Principal: What's that?
Brad: It's a thing in my brain that causes me to make weird noises.
Principal: But you can control it if you want it to, right?
Brad: No Sir! It's a sickness.
Principal: umh. Well, why can't you get cured?
Brad: There isn't any cure. I don't like making noises anymore than you like hearing it.
It (tics) gets even worse when I feel stressed when you don't accept that I can't stop that. But when I feel accepted then they (tics) not so bad.
Principal: What can we do and I mean everyone in this school. What can we do to help you, Brad?
Brad: I just like to be treated like everybody else.
Principal: Good job! You can seat down!

“A few words . . . a little education,
and it was like opening a door to a brave new world.”

Monday, November 23, 2009

And what then?

A very profound anecdote...

"Years ago when William Gladstone was prime minister of Great Britain, the son of a dear friend of his came to him for some counsel about his career. Prime Minister Gladstone asked the young man what he was going to do, and he said, “Well, first I’m going to complete my studies at Oxford.”

“Splendid,” said Gladstone. “And what then?” “Well, sir,” the young man continued, “then I plan to study the law and actually become a prominent barrister, perhaps in London.”

“Wonderful”, said the prime minister. “And then what?” “Well, then I hope to rise within the party and land a significant cabinet post.” “Great idea,” said the prime minister. “And what then?” “Then, sir,” the young man said kind of sheepishly, “I really hope that I get your job. I hope to serve the queen with the distinction that you are serving now.” “A noble gesture,” said the prime minister, “And what then?” “After serving a long tenure as prime minister, I suspect I will be forced to retire.”

The prime minister said, “And so you shall, and what then?” The young man said, “Well, when I retire, I hope my mind is sharp and I’m still strong physically and I really hope that I’m able to continue to serve the public and the queen.” The prime minister said, “A noble ambition, and what then?”

The young man paused and finally continued, “Well, I guess that after years of retirement, I shall die.” William Gladstone said, “Yes you will, and what then?” The young man said, “Sir, I have never thought beyond death.” And the prime minister leaned forward and told him, “My son, you are a fool. Go home and think through your life with the end in mind, and when you think with the end in mind, this present moment will take on new meaning.” (Tom Tewell, “Stuff”, sermon at Fifth Ave. Pres Church, Nov 14, 2004)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Meeting Dr. James Miser

Today I finally have the chance to meet Dr. James Miser at GBC. Last December, 2008 ~ a sister from my Taipei church told me about Dr. Miser was planning to come to Taipei in March 2009. I was puzzled by this name and I did some research... He is actually a world renowned pediatric oncologist. For one, I am not in the medical field, nor am I into cancer research or pediatrician (children doctor) to know who Dr. Miser is. Needless to say, as I researched some more about him and the field of pediatric oncology, I came to understand and learn a little bit more about the profession of oncologist, the research of pediatric oncology. Moreover most importantly why my big sister wanted to introduce him to our church and to Pastors Jim West or Stephen Lee... Actually Dr. Miser has a significant heart to serve in orphanage ministry in Taiwan. You see he is the father of 10 adopted children in Taiwan. He comes to Taiwan frequently to hold seminars at local hospitals.

Meeting with brother Tim who is in charge of orphanage ministry at GBC.

Through his Mission Care ministry, he looks to place orphans into Christian families. He shared that through his many networks, whether it is medical or financial, the one significant aspect of these children is really to have a good Christian home and family to adopt them. In Taiwan, it is still a difficult concept to adopt children... and developing this Christian home network to adopt them will be a great hope for these children.

(Dr. Miser Meeting with Frances, Nick and Pastor West)

Dr James Miser, is former CEO and Chief Medical Officer of City of Hope National Medical Center in California. The chief mission of City of Hope is to find cure through research for life threatening cancers and one of the mission to help children cope with these ailments through treatments. ( I think Dr. J. will be happy to meet up with Dr. Miser someday especially in the field of medical oncology research. )

On a side note... Pastor West preached about James 1:19-20... and Dr. Miser was in the audience listening.... what does all these James have in common? Jesus in their lives. I think there is a ray of hope for the orphans of Taiwan. It is the love of Christ for these children. Hopefully there are Christian homes willing to open their house for adopting children. Afterall, Moses was adopted by the princess. In one sense, we as Christians are already adopted children of God. What better way to bring these children to the Lord's house.

For those with a BIG heart to serve Him and the children in the orphanage ministry, please contact brother Tim at GBC.

May the Lord continue to bless Dr. Miser, his orphanage ministry, his adopted children and his love for Taiwan child adoption network. And may you continue to pray for them.

Monday, January 19, 2009

"Mini" Holy Bible

"Mini" Holy Bible
Originally uploaded by HeyMing.
I came to hold one tiny tiny key chain holy bible... and I was instantly "wowed" by the craftsmanship. I've seen such thing before but never have a chance to closely take a pick at it. I thought how can all the new and old testament be in such tiny thing / book... In the last few chapter of Exodus, the Lord has given all the plans - detail plans to Moses to build the tabernacle with all its intricate ornaments details...... and here, right in front of me this tiny bible... A friend of mine was also amazed but something popped... you can "smuggle" this tiny bible in a persecuted country such as those located on the "Silk Road" and "Asia Spices" countries. I realize how easy it is for us to obtain the bible in a place like Taiwan or Canada or USA or France! We can even read them online nowadays. However many people around the world are being persecuted for just holding a bible. Hope holding a key chain will be OK! Trusting in the Lord, trusting Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord is the KEY to have eternal life. Now... you can say I carry my bible everywhere I go just as you typically never forget to carry your purse or your cellphone!

Pray that the "Silk road" and "Asian Spices countries that the Lord will open these land to His workers to share the Gospels. Blessings!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy New Year 2009 New Year's Eve Fireworks @ Taipei 101

New Year's Eve Fireworks @ 101
Originally uploaded by HeyMing.
Taipei 101 Fireworks show ushering into the new year... 101 is top 5 building in the world. Taken from a park near 101.

WOW! Enjoyed the 1st dance of the year!

I must say this past year 2008 is unlike previous ones. It has been a very exciting year to some, extremely challenging time for others and it is behind us. Yet, too many things happened on many levels globally. Moreover, I am still counting blessings - especially the people near and far away that God has surrounded me with ~ especially you.

Today I take time out to thank people who have touched my life and to wish you my friends HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009! I wish you could spend more time with your family & friends to enjoy this time of year.

Bonne et heureuse année 2009 à vous mes amis! Meilleur voeux de santé, joie, bonheur et prospérité.

新年 2009 快樂!

God bless you!


Romans 11:36 - For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.

Friday, September 05, 2008

India Short Term Mission 2008


"Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ"!! Praise the Lord! I am honored to be part of this year's India mission team and would like to thank the home team, the brothers and sisters at Grace Baptist Church who have supported the team and prayed for each one of us during our mission.

Fertile Terai Soil
Albeit very short, from July 22 – 29, our journey into India was filled with God's amazing Grace and blessings! This was my first trip to India and it has been life changing. Our journey took us through part of the Himalaya range and the fertile soil of the Terai (moist land) full of tea gardens and rice paddies to Jaigaon, West Bengal which is a border town with Phuentsholing , Bhutan .

Mission Camps
On this India mission, we setup several camps -the Vacation Bible School (VBS) camp with Outrigger Island as the theme for the youths, the leadership training camp for church leaders at the local Dalsingpara Baptist Church and a medical team which went to three different off-sites to treat and share gospels to patients. I had the opportunity to serve in the mission module with Bobbie West (our English pastor's wife who is 70 years old). We shared with the youths the different locations around the world where missionaries are serving. Overall, it was an amazing and fruitful VBS. The children are so happy to participate in the various activities such as games, bible classes, music and missions modules. They were so elated to receive gifts made by Taipei VBS students. Many youths had to walk many kilometers from surrounding villages to join our VBS camp. Some kids came from Bhutan . The children's joy and happiness left in me an indelible smile in my heart. Pastor Kunsang Chhophel was gracious enough to personally cook every meal we had during our VBS camp.

God is amazing and wonderful!
During our stay at the church, we were so amazed by God's handling on everything. He never overlook on any details. I was surprised at first that 2 Indian army soldiers came daily to the church compound to inquire about us but it gave us "security" blanket during our VBS camp. They were very gracious and didn't intrude much in our activities. Indeed, there were many security issues in other part of India during the time we were in the country as there were terrorist bombings that occurred in the West and South of India. On the last day as we arrived in Siliguri, our hotel was even locked for a little while due to security concerns. However, we were never in danger. Heat, humidity, clean water and the mosquitoes were on top of my mind. Needless to say, as I sweat a lot in this type of hot weather, I was pretty much a walking water fountain and I also did have a "last supper" experience as my internal system didn't like tap water. I am glad it occurred on the last day of the mission trip back to Taiwan and not at the beginning of the trip.

The Bhutan Gate!
Some of us had the opportunity to visit Bhutan during this mission although very short. I for one had the chance to visit Bhutan twice. It was very brief but I thank the Lord for leading us into the border town of Phuentsholing , Bhutan . The road into Bhutan has an ornate gate. It is a beautiful structure leading into the Royal Kingdom of Bhutan. We prayer walked around the town near the gate and some open shops for the people of Bhutan to come to Christ. We thank God for his walk with us into Bhutan . We were elated to be in Bhutan . It was a peaceful trip.

Share the gospels & be a witness in Bhutan !
The 2nd time, a much larger group (8 people) walked into Bhutan at night. This time a much older immigration officer let us into his country. I told him we just wanted to shop and visit the town and would come back within an hour. It was getting late anyway, who is crazy enough to hide in a peaceful, strange and cold place like the Himalayas . At a clothes store, I met a father and son at the shop's entrance; they are bakers and own a bakery nearby. I managed to speak to the son in English on the beauty of Bhutan , the peacefulness of the country (at night) and their families and I did managed to transition our conversations into spiritual or religious topics. They came from inland Bhutan 2 years ago to start a bakery, are Buddhists and I shared the Gospels to them, telling them the story of Jesus. I did not expect much but prayed for them. They smiled and were happy to hear it; and they led us to walk a short distance uptown to visit some part of town. As we walked up a few minutes later, a stranger came to me and asked if we were Christians. I delayed in my positive reply because I thought he was some border official or cop and we might all end up in jail like the local pastor Kunsang (who spent time in jail for his conversation into Christianity at age 19). However I did say yes as he said to me he was a Christian as well. In the middle of the night, on a dark street, next to a temple, Taiwanese Christians meeting a Bhutanese Christian, only our gracious Father in Heaven can arrange this encounter, a divine appointment. I later confirm his name with Pastor Kunsang (a local Bhutanese pastor) who told me that brother K. is a Bhutanese Christian and he brought his son to our VBS camp. And, some of us wore the cross into Bhutan. We prayer walked for the people of Bhutan around a temple as Pastor David Kong led us in prayers. This second trip was amazing once again.

A Tuktuk Driver & Local Evangelist!
While in Jaigaon - as I was visiting the nearby fruit market in the morning I came across a tuktuk, or 3 wheels auto-rickshaw. I was surprised to read a sticker above the windshield. It is written "Jesus Saves you"... I approached the driver to ask him if he was a Christian and he nodded, telling me he has been saved and that he goes to worship a nearby church. Brother Samuel loves Jesus - hence he put this sticker wherever he drives his tuktuk and wanted to share the gospel with whomever customer the Lord brings to him!

Brother Philip is an evangelist that took part in the church leadership training program. He shared that he goes from villages to villages to bring the Gospels to the local people. He is part of the church planting movement. He told me it is sometimes difficult on his family. He was a drug addict and the Lord saved him from that and never wanted to return to that stage of his life. He has a growing family and asked us to pray for his children to have better education.

God wanted to share with us the few Christian brethrens and share the Gospels to non-Christians in this end of the earth. So yeah our trip into Bhutan and India has been fruitful even though it was really short but the opportunity to share the Gospels to Bhutanese in Bhutan is a privilege never to pass up!

Valuable People
These fellow believers are all very valuable people. People that are made to hold the treasures of God, God Himself dwelling in each by the Holy Spirit and they are not afraid to impact others and share the story of Jesus and the Gospels with others in the area. They are filled with the power of glory of God. May we pray that they continue to impact others and let the great Master, our Father in Heaven mold and shape them in their different ministry.

The True Gate!
And I leave you with the passage of John 10:9 - "I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture."... Many Bhutanese have yet to know Christ... yet Jesus Christ knows them all already. Pray that many more Bhutanese will be saved by going through the True gate: Jesus Christ instead of the ornate gate to Bhutan .

Thank You Grace Baptist Church! Thank You Teammates! Thank you my friends for your prayers and support! Thank You Holy Spirit! Thank You Jesus Christ! Thank you dear Heavenly Father for an amazing mission!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Tears in Heaven - Love Never Fails!

Originally uploaded by HeyMing.
As hectic as it is - it is the most joyous time in both of our families. I pray and bless my brother Jyh Ming (Mingo) and Vivianne on their wedding day. Such a wonderful and lovely couple. The day has been beautiful, the sun shined brightly. A day that God has made and a very good day to get married. To me, any day is good as it is blessed by God. In holy matrimony Mingo and Vivianne were wed - modern Taiwanese style. The one person that is so joyous is our beloved and late mother as I can see tears of joy from heaven... Mingo is my late mother's most precious and beloved son. She is very proud right now. Both of you are blessed to have such a loving family to support you in your new journey together. Whatever you both set your hearts to do - do it with a sincere passion... May God's Grace be with you - Love Never Fails.

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but I have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophecy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind. Me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE." - Quoted from the Bible (1 Corinthians 13)

Now that you are both united in Holy Matrimony - "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thess 5:16-18

As the Rev. teaching pastor John Ortberg said it well - "The object of life is to be rich toward God." May the Lord continue to bless both of you toward a rich walk with God all in His mighty Love.

Apart from that - it was uniquely a call for a grand reunion as I met several family members from both side. A Chinese wedding is the fusion of 2 families together. Thank you Lord and Praise the Lord!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

快乐的 Chocolate 巧克力

快乐的 Chocolate 巧克力
Originally uploaded by HeyMing.
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thess 5:16-18

"要常常喜乐,不住的祷告,凡事谢恩,因为这是神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意”(贴前 5:16-18)